What is SAP HANA? And Why You Should Use it?

What is SAP HANA? And Why You Should Use it?

Since its inception in 1972, the SAP SE corporation has been dominating the business intelligence (BI) industry. The SAP ERP and CRM business applications are the most used business applications in the world. To make it more clear for you here are some success stats of SAP, There are around 150 million SAP customers worldwide […]

4 Remarkable Reasons to Implement SAP ERP System

implement sap erp

4 Remarkable Reasons to Implement SAP ERP System

If you’re a businessman who is currently facing a situation where you’re unable to manage things properly: all your business processes are scattered, finances are all over the place, sales are not managed systematically, etc. etc. Wait!!! We’ve got three words for you – SAP ERP System. Even if you’re not facing those problems but […]

5 Benefits of SAP That Helps Business to Grow

5 Benefits of SAP That Helps Business to Grow

  The needs and the demands of the business changes as per company size and shape. For years, business leaders have used Enterprise Resource Planning systems that served them as the foundation of growth and innovation. And SAP has been the most efficient option for everyone. Whether it is a small shop or a huge […]