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Blog - Infonikka
Integrate Netsuite and Salesforce

NetSuite is the best when it comes to cloud ERP system and Salesforce is the best when it comes to cloud CRM system. It’s a no brainer that integrating them will be very beneficial to any business. But before diving into the benefits of NetSuite and Salesforce integration, let’s visit the fundamentals of NetSuite and […]

February 13, 2020
salaesforce consultant can increase roi

Want to implement Salesforce in the best way possible? What is the best way, you ask? The answer is by hiring a Salesforce consulting partner! If you think otherwise, let us explain in detail how the Salesforce consultant helps you increase your business ROI. The Salesforce era has dawned upon us and it seems as […]

February 6, 2020

Since its inception in 1972, the SAP SE corporation has been dominating the business intelligence (BI) industry. The SAP ERP and CRM business applications are the most used business applications in the world. To make it more clear for you here are some success stats of SAP, There are around 150 million SAP customers worldwide […]

January 30, 2020

In every business, finding a qualified employee for a required position is a tough task. The cost of hiring includes advertising, arranging walk-ins and interviews, job portal fees, background checks, onboarding, training, and the list goes on. The whole hiring process costs a fortune; in terms of time, money, and effort. As per Glassdoor, an […]

January 23, 2020

If you’re one of the few who are yet to familiarize with the concept of system integration, let’s first see, What is system integration? System integration is the process of integrating all the physical and virtual components of an organization into a single system. We’re in 2020 and if you still don’t think System Integration […]

January 16, 2020
implement sap erp

If you’re a businessman who is currently facing a situation where you’re unable to manage things properly: all your business processes are scattered, finances are all over the place, sales are not managed systematically, etc. etc. Wait!!! We’ve got three words for you – SAP ERP System. Even if you’re not facing those problems but […]

January 9, 2020

  If you don’t know already, let’s first see what exactly is CRM? CRM system or Customer Relationship Management is a technology that helps businesses improve interactions and build relationships with customers. The CRM platform analyzes and utilizes the company’s data to form insightful reports. The reports generated by CRM even leads to customer acquisition. […]

January 6, 2020

  When we talk about the society they say “It’s all about money and who’s got it the most” Well, the same saying goes in the IT business world, only it’s not money, it’s “System Integration Service”. One of the toughest parts of the business world is to find reliable system integration services. Initially, we […]

December 27, 2019

  The needs and the demands of the business changes as per company size and shape. For years, business leaders have used Enterprise Resource Planning systems that served them as the foundation of growth and innovation. And SAP has been the most efficient option for everyone. Whether it is a small shop or a huge […]

December 19, 2019

  When it comes to the best cloud-based CRMs, Salesforce is one option that business leaders mostly opt for. Ever since its inception, Salesforce and its services have proven itself time and again. Holding a range of amazing competencies, it has set a strong ground for itself in the business world. Have you ever wondered, […]

December 12, 2019

We live in an era where business runs on two strong wheels – One is a digital presence and another one is the workforce. In this competitive world where grabbing the right opportunity at the right time is the key to success, hiring the right talent is the only way to keep that success in […]

December 5, 2019

  With aggressive competition in the marketplace and customers that are disposed to change their minds

October 16, 2019

Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM that can transform your business relationships and simplify the working lives

September 1, 2019